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Sponsor A Day: Centres Of Hope....focusing on programmes of brain tumour research.

Shelia Hancock-Actor,Author former chancellor of the University of Portsmouth and an amazinz Ambassador for 

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Brain Tumour Research - launched our wall of hope at the Brain Tumour Research Centre Of Excellence at the University of Portsmouth. The wall marked the launch of Brain Tumour Research`s national 7m "Centres Of Hope" fundrising campaigh  to raise 7m per year for seven Centres of Excellence to get closer to and ultimately find a cure for brain tumours.

To find a cure for brain tumours will take years of research. Research costs money.

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To enable the University of Portsmouth Centre of Excellence to focus on a three year programme of brain tumour research will need £1 million per annum.

Put simply, over the course of 365 days in a year, that`s £2,740 per day.

£1 million per year will pay for a team of researches and support staff. headed by a research fellow. It will also pay for materials that need such as tissue culture plastic ware, molecular & chemicals reagents, serum and assay kits.

Can you or your organisation help us?

Could You "Sponsor A Day" of Research?

In return, your organisaton logo. Your event or your love one`s name will be displayed on our "Wall of Hope" calender at the Unversity of Portsmouth`s Centre and on our website " calender of Hope".

You will also receive an engraved plaque in recognition of your which you can put in display.You can even choose a special date that you like to sponsor. Which may have some particular significance to your or your organisaton.

Why not sponsor more than one day.

You could choose Brain Tumour Research as your charity of the year and if you suceed in raising £19.180 you would be able to sponsor a week and you olgo will appear on each of the seven days.

Or a Sponsor a day a year?

If youn run an annual event with proceeds going to brain tumour research. Your logo will appear on that date each year.

If your sponsorship money in memory of a loved one, you can choose to sponsor a partcular date each year.Which is significance to your family such as their birthday.

Please Sponsor A Day or as many days as you can and help to support sustainable programmes of brain tumour research at the Unversity of Portsmouth. You help is badly needed to improve the treatments and ultimately find the cure for brain tumour.

To be added to our Calender of Hope please contact Sarah Day on 01296733011 or email  [email protected].

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