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Brain Tumour Research



Brain Tumour Research the charity was launched in 2009 with the quest to raise funds for research into brain tumours.

Their Mission 

  • To Raise at least £7 million per annum
  • To accelerate progress significantly in brain tumour research
  • To improve the outcome for brain tumour patients

Brain Tumour research was originally set up in 2004 as an informal partnership comprising a number of UK brain tumour charities, under the banner of the United Brain Tumour Campaign. These charities commtted themselves to working togehter to achieve a common goal, namely to raise funds for research into the prevention and treatment of brain tumours, as well as ultimately a cure.

 Sue Farrington-Smith, Director Of Brain Tumour Research, says:sue-photograph---web-copy

  " We recognised that we needed to join forces to raise national awareness and get both the larger cancer charities and government funding behind us. We acknowledge that charities such as Breakthrough Breast Cancer and Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research will always devote their funding to their particular cause. We are working through the brain tumour All Party Parliamentary Group to urge the Medical Research council and other more general cancer charity parnters of the National Cancer Research Institute, such as Cancer Research UK, to plug the gaps so that across the UK rarer cancers will have at least a proportionate amount of research funding to play "catch up".

Today, there are over 20 members charities and 20 umbrella groups( charlieschargeon being one) within the Brain Tumour Research group. Each of the members was galvanised into action as a result of personal involvement with bran tumours, having realised that there was relatively little being done to support bran tumour patients or cares or towards funding research into finding the cure.quote_01

The group intend to create a much greater national awarness of brain tumours through the media and to raise much needed funds for seven centres of execellence at UK universities, where some brain tumours research is already being carried out. This force, gives the charity natonwide coverage.

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